giovedì 23 agosto 2012


Cosas que diría con sólo mirarla fue una película de 2000 de Rodrigo García, con Glenn Close, Cameron Díaz y Calista Flockhart. 
El título original de este largometraje es Things You Can Tell Just by Looking at Her.
 Aquí la mala traducción ya no es una de esas decisiones absurdas de los ejecutivos de las distribuidoras, sino una demostración clarísima de que quien la hizo no sabe inglés. “Things you can tell” significa cosas que notas. Si alguien, por ejemplo, te dice que está cansado, le contestas: “I can tell”, que significa: “se te nota” o “ya lo había notado”. La traducción sería algo así como: “Cosas que se notan sólo con mirarla” o “Cosas que notas/percibes nada más verla”… 
Si estas frases no suenan mucho a título de película, que lo entiendo, se podría buscar otra más adecuada. Pero lo que se utilizó, obviamente no era una frase que sonara bien para dar título a un film, lo que se utilizó era simplemente una traducción mal hecha.

domenica 19 agosto 2012


Greeting from a land where milk is pronounced "mulk"  and fish is "fush" 

The majority of Scotland's population speak English, a consequence of England's political and cultural domination during 3-400 years. But there are two other - lesser known - languages that have been there far longer, and they are still there. That's Gaelic and Scots.

DanishJeg kender ham ikke
Scots  A dinna ken him
English I don't know him
Gaelic Chan eil iólas agam air

In the Gaelic sentence there is not much to be recognised. Gaelic belongs to another family of languages, Celtic, and is very closely related to Irish.

Danish, Scots and English are different, but alike. All three belong to the same language family - the Germanic. They have lots of vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation in common. In fact, Scots even has many word that are not intelligible for Englishmen, but which are immediately recognisable to Danes, e.g. 
bearn (child, Da barn), flit (move, Da flytte), big (build, Da bygge) .....

Scots, Scotch or Scottish...?

Scots is the English language of Scotland (in Scottish, Alba).
Scots used especially of the people and language and in legal context
scotsmoney assessed or paid
Scotch is the blended whisky, while single malt whisky is the really good, pure stuff. 
Scotch is also the contraction for Scottish. 
Scottish is a descriptive adjective, like a Scottish Highland cow (or "coo" to some), the Scottish Highlands, the Scottish Parliament and so on.