sabato 24 dicembre 2011
mercoledì 21 dicembre 2011
Writing in Plain English for lawyers _ LESSON 2
Try personal pronouns
No matter how sophisticated your audience is, if you
use personal pronouns the clarity of your writing will dramatically improve.
Here’s why.
First, personal pronouns aid your reader’s
comprehension because they clarify what applies to your reader and what applies
to you.
Second, they allow you to “speak” directly to your
reader, creating an appealing tone that will keep your reader reading.
Third, they help you to avoid abstractions and to use
more concrete and everyday language.
Fourth, they keep your sentences short.
Fifth, first- and second-person pronouns aren’t
gender-specific, allowing you to avoid the “he or she” dilemma. The pronouns to
use are firstperson plural (we, us, our/ours) and second-person singular (you,
the difference between these two examples:
Summary does not purport to be complete and is qualified in its entirety by the
more detailed information contained in the Proxy Statement and the Appendices
hereto, all of which should be carefully reviewed.
this is a summary, it does not contain all the information that may be
important to you. You should read the entire proxy statement and its appendices
carefully before you decide how to vote.
Bring abstractions down to earthAbstractions abound in the financial industry. What pictures form in your mind when you read these phrases: mutual fund, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, zero coupon bond, call option, or foreign currency trading? Most people don’t have an image in their minds when they hear abstract words like these. And yet, it’s far easier to comprehend a concept or a situation when your mind can form images.
In a study conducted at Carnegie-Mellon University, a cognitive psychologist and an English professor discovered that readers faced with complex written information frequently resorted to creating “scenarios” in an effort to understand the text. That is, they often made an abstract concept understandable by using it in a hypothetical situation in which people performed actions.You can make complex information more understandable by giving your readers an example using one investor. This technique explains why “question and answer” formats often succeed when a narrative, abstract discussion fails.Here is an example of how this principle can be used to explain an abstract concept—call options:
Bring abstractions down to earthAbstractions abound in the financial industry. What pictures form in your mind when you read these phrases: mutual fund, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, zero coupon bond, call option, or foreign currency trading? Most people don’t have an image in their minds when they hear abstract words like these. And yet, it’s far easier to comprehend a concept or a situation when your mind can form images.
In a study conducted at Carnegie-Mellon University, a cognitive psychologist and an English professor discovered that readers faced with complex written information frequently resorted to creating “scenarios” in an effort to understand the text. That is, they often made an abstract concept understandable by using it in a hypothetical situation in which people performed actions.You can make complex information more understandable by giving your readers an example using one investor. This technique explains why “question and answer” formats often succeed when a narrative, abstract discussion fails.Here is an example of how this principle can be used to explain an abstract concept—call options:
For example, you can buy an option from Mr. Smith that gives you the
right to buy 100 shares of stock X from him at $25.00 per share anytime
between now and six weeks from now. You believe stock X’s purchase price will
go up between now and then. He believes it will stay the same or go down. If
you exercise this option before it expires, Mr. Smith must sell you 100
shares of stock X at $25.00 per share, even if the purchase price has gone
up. Either way, whether you exercise your option or not, he keeps the money
you paid him for the option.
Although it is impossible to eliminate all abstractions from writing, always use a more concrete term when you can.
Asset ➡ Investment ➡ Security ➡ Equity ➡ Stock ➡➡ Common
stock ➡ One share
of IBM common stock
following examples show how you can replace abstract terms with more concrete
ones and increase your reader’s comprehension:
Basic Value Fund, Inc. (the “Fund”) seeks capital
appreciation and, secondarily, income by investing in
securities, primarily equities, that management of the Fund believes are undervalued and therefore represent basic investment value.
At the
Sandyhill Basic Value Fund, we will strive to increase the value of your shares
(capital appreciation) and, to a lesser extent, to provide income (dividends).
We will invest primarily in undervalued stocks, meaning those selling for low
prices given the financial strength of the companies.
No consideration or surrender
of Beco Stock will be required of shareholders of Beco
in return for the shares of Unis Common Stock issued
pursuant to the Distribution.
will not have to turn in your shares of Beco stock or pay any money to receive
your shares of Unis common stock from the spin-off.
[By the Office of Investor Education and Assistance
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
450 5th Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20549]
domenica 18 dicembre 2011
Writing in Plain English for lawyers _ LESSON 1
Common problems:
• Long sentences
• Passive voice
• Weak verbs
• Superfluous words
• Legal and financial jargon
• Numerous defined terms
• Abstract words
• Unnecessary details
• Unreadable design and layout
In the following pages we offer some ways to fix these problems.
For example, here’s a common sentence found in prospectuses:
Here’s one possible plain English rewrite:
You should rely only on the information contained in this document or that we have referred you to. We have not authorized anyone to provide you with information that is different.
The plain English rewrite uses everyday words, short sentences, active voice, regular print, and personal pronouns that speak directly to the reader.
Use the active voice with strong verbs
The plodding verbosity of most disclosure documents makes readers yearn for clear words and short sentences. The quickest fix lies in using the active voice with strong verbs. Strong verbs are guaranteed to liven up and tighten any sentence, virtually causing information to spring from the page. When you start to rewrite or edit your work, highlighting all the verbs can help. You may be surprised by the number of weak verbs, especially forms of “to be” or “to have” that you’ll find.
The time you spend searching for a precise and strong verb is time well spent. When a verb carries more meaning, you can dispense with many of the words used to bolster weak verbs.
Weak verbs keep frequent company with two more grammatical undesirables: passive voice and hidden verbs. In tandem, they add unnecessary length and confusion to a sentence.
The active and passive voices
Don’t ban the passive voice, use it sparingly
As with all the advice in this handbook, we are presenting guidelines, not hard and fast rules you must always follow. The passive voice may make sense when the person or thing performing the action is of secondary importance to another subject that should play the starring role in sentence. Use the passive voice only when you have a very good reason for doing so. When in doubt, choose the active voice.
Find hidden verbs
Does the sentence use any form of the verbs “to be,” “to have,” or another weak verb, with a noun that could be turned into a strong verb? In these sentences, the strong verb lies hidden in a nominalization, a noun derived from a verb that usually ends in -tion. Find the noun and try to make it the main verb of the sentence. As you change nouns to verbs, your writing becomes more vigorous and less abstract.
before after
We made an application... We applied...
We made a determination... We determined...
We will make a distribution... We will distribute...
We will provide appropriate information to shareholders concerning...
We will inform shareholders about...
We will have no stock ownership of the company.
We will not own the company’s stock.
There is the possibility of prior Board approval of these investments.
The Board might approve these investments in advance.
[By the Office of Investor Education and Assistance
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
450 5th Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20549]
martedì 13 dicembre 2011
Famous Resume Myths - Debunked!
Resume writing myths you may have heard, but
should forget!
There is no one best
way to write a resume; there are no absolutes. Every career counselor and
recruiter has his or her own take on resume writing. Even the formatting you use
and the positions you list depend on the industry, the specific job, and your
experience. But amid all the potentially conflicting opinions, there is some
agreement on common resume myths.1. Your resume must be only one page.
False. "Your resume should be as long as needed [in order] to get your concise message across with zip and punch," says Joyce Lain Kennedy, careers columnist and author of Resumes for Dummies. If your experience and background justifies two or more pages, so be it. Recent grads shouldn't go beyond one page, but senior executives with decades of experience will probably need at least two pages.
The rules are slightly different for resumes sent via e-mail. Laura Dominguez Chan, a Stanford University career counselor, says that in that instance, shorter is better for both cover letters and resumes.
2. Prospective employers don't read cover letters.
False. "Remember that anything you send is part of an image you're projecting," says Dominguez Chan. "If [nothing else,] your cover letter shows your writing skills…and if all the candidates [for the position] really are top notch, it could be the cover letter that lands you the job."
3. Resumes should include and describe your entire work history.
False. Your resume is a sales piece, a personal marketing tool. Take time to consider what skills the position requires. It’s likely that a part-time job you took for a few months isn't going to be relevant or impressive. Unless you need to cover a significant time gap, it’s wise to include only those jobs that will showcase your ability to excel in the position for which you’re applying.
Volunteer and other non-paid positions can be just as valuable as paid ones—especially if you’re a recent grad or are re-entering the workforce after an absence. Use your resume format to communicate volunteer work as experience.
4. It's okay to fib on your resume.
False. If you think "blowing smoke on your resume—inflating grades, inventing degrees, concocting job titles—is risk free because nobody checks, you're wrong," says Joyce Lain Kennedy. Employers do check, and those fibs will catch up with you.
"People think they have to puff themselves up," says Ronnie Gravitz, a career counselor at UC Berkeley. "You just need to make a good case for what you have done.”
5. Including "References available upon request" is standard resume protocol.
False. "An employer won't assume [that] you don't have references," says Dominguez Chan. “[Removing the line] gives you more room to include important information about who you are." She adds, "The only reason to include that [information] is if for some reason references are absolutely needed in the field. Academic positions, for example, typically ask for several reference names and/or letters."
6. If your resume is good enough, it will produce a job offer.
False. Your resume is only one part of the process. Its job is to land you an interview. "Once you get the interview, says Joyce Lain Kennedy, "you are what gets you a job—your skills, your savvy, your personality, your attitude."
martedì 6 dicembre 2011
venerdì 2 dicembre 2011
Citing EU documents
Italicise the titles of white and green papers. Separate
the main title and the subtitle, if any, with a colon. Use initial capitals on the
first and all significant words in the main title and on the first word in the
subtitle. Launch straight into the italicised title: do not introduce it with ‘on’,
‘concerning’, ‘entitled’, etc.
In the White Paper
Growth, Competitiveness, Employment: The challenges and
ways forward into the twenty-first century
, the Commission set out a strategy …
The White Paper
Growth, Competitiveness, Employment was the first …
Growth, Competitiveness, Employment, on the other hand, the Commission set
in motion …
[this form might work where the White Paper had already been
mentioned, for example, or in an enumeration]
The Green Paper
Towards Fair and Efficient Pricing in Transport: Policy
options for internalising the external costs of transport in the European Union
Green Paper on Innovation [‘Green Paper on’ is part of its title]
Do the same with the titles of other policy statements and the like that are
published in their own right:
the communication
An Industrial Competitiveness Policy for the European
[published as Bull. Suppl. 3/94]
the communication
Agenda 2000: For a stronger and wider Union [when the
reference is to the title of the document, which was published in Bull.
Suppl. 5/97; but of course we would probably say ‘an Agenda 2000 priority’ for
If a policy statement has a title, but has not as far as you know been published,
put the title in inverted commas:
the communication ‘A European Strategy for Encouraging Local Development
and Employment Initiatives’
[this appeared in OJ C 265 of 12 October 1995,
and its title is cast like the title of a book, but it does not seem to have been
published in its own right]
‘Communications’ that are not policy statements, such as the announcements
which regularly appear in the Official Journal (OJ), get no italics, inverted
commas, or special capitalisation:
the Commission communication in the framework of the implementation of
Council Directive 89/686/EEC of 21 December 1989 in relation to personal
protective equipment, as amended by Council Directives 93/68/EEC, 93/95/EEC
and 96/58/EC [OJ C 180 of 14 June 1997]
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