Italicise the titles of white and green papers. Separate
the main title and the subtitle, if any, with a colon. Use initial capitals on the
first and all significant words in the main title and on the first word in the
subtitle. Launch straight into the italicised title: do not introduce it with ‘on’,
‘concerning’, ‘entitled’, etc.
In the White Paper
Growth, Competitiveness, Employment: The challenges and
ways forward into the twenty-first century
, the Commission set out a strategy …
The White Paper
Growth, Competitiveness, Employment was the first …
Growth, Competitiveness, Employment, on the other hand, the Commission set
in motion …
[this form might work where the White Paper had already been
mentioned, for example, or in an enumeration]
The Green Paper
Towards Fair and Efficient Pricing in Transport: Policy
options for internalising the external costs of transport in the European Union
Green Paper on Innovation [‘Green Paper on’ is part of its title]
Do the same with the titles of other policy statements and the like that are
published in their own right:
the communication
An Industrial Competitiveness Policy for the European
[published as Bull. Suppl. 3/94]
the communication
Agenda 2000: For a stronger and wider Union [when the
reference is to the title of the document, which was published in Bull.
Suppl. 5/97; but of course we would probably say ‘an Agenda 2000 priority’ for
If a policy statement has a title, but has not as far as you know been published,
put the title in inverted commas:
the communication ‘A European Strategy for Encouraging Local Development
and Employment Initiatives’
[this appeared in OJ C 265 of 12 October 1995,
and its title is cast like the title of a book, but it does not seem to have been
published in its own right]
‘Communications’ that are not policy statements, such as the announcements
which regularly appear in the Official Journal (OJ), get no italics, inverted
commas, or special capitalisation:
the Commission communication in the framework of the implementation of
Council Directive 89/686/EEC of 21 December 1989 in relation to personal
protective equipment, as amended by Council Directives 93/68/EEC, 93/95/EEC
and 96/58/EC [OJ C 180 of 14 June 1997]
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